Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) is very fortunate to have so many volunteers who give of themselves selflessly, helping every day by serving on different boards, task forces and committees. These volunteers judge competitions, provide education and impassioned leadership to others day-in and day-out.
To acknowledge their service, IFAI developed a program in 2012 called the “Outstanding Volunteer Award”. This annual award was designed to acknowledge a handful of volunteers who go above and beyond. Since its inception, 37 individuals have been recognized. IFAI is excited to present the 2020 winners.

Darren Arthur, MFC, Nautilux Custom Canvas LLC
Darren Arthur is a tremendous supporter of the Marine Fabricators Association (MFA). He has been a workshop instructor, speaker, panel member, round table leader and session moderator.
As Chairman of the MFA Board, he has worked hard to ensure the member voices are heard and to encourage others to step up and take action through various committees and task groups.

Ron Houle, Pivot Step Consultants LLC
Ron Houle is great friend and resource to IFAI. He chaired the USIFI Board and since then has continued to volunteer his expertise through presentations at IFAI Expo, the Outlook® Conference and USIFI/NFI’s annual Lobby Day. Ron can be counted for providing DoD updates and its impact to the industry.
He most recently joined the IFAI Board of Directors. Ron helps to enhance the relationship between the association and its members with Military connections and opportunities.

Brett Baird, Trivantage LLC
Brett Baird has demonstrated ongoing dedication and leadership to the Professional Awning Manufacturers Association (PAMA) and is always willing to step in where needed. He has served on various committees to ensure programs and initiatives are met.
He led the charge on revisions of the AIA-accredited presentations and determined the best course of action for the committee to ensure the completion of the task. Brett has also presented AIA courses on behalf of PAMA and has acted as a PAMA representative at meetings held by the Attachments Energy Rating Council (AERC).

Michael Tharpe, Rainier Industries Ltd.
A 40-year veteran of the equipment and party rental industry, Michael Tharpe’s name is synonymous with tent safety and training.
Michael has been nominated for his dependable safety and educational leadership in and for the tent industry.
Thank you to all of our volunteers and congratulations to this year’s Outstanding Volunteer Award recipients.